
Showing posts from 2017

The mystery of the "I AM" painting. - POSTERS Available at Corazon Gallery. - Trinidad, Colorado

Painting:  "The Unveiling" by Rita Burton Several years ago I studied the book of Revelation with Bible Study Fellowship.  They called the study the "Unveiling of Jesus Christ."  We completed the study in a school year time line.  In the beginning of the study, I was so taken with the description;    "I then turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lamp stands, and in the midst of the lamp stands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest.  The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow.  His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace and his voice was like the roar of many waters.  In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength."  Revelation 1: 12 - 16 ESV The reason I...

"EVE" - Choices!

"EVE"  -  Choices! Our failed choices can haunt us.  In some cases, we can repair our past by the grace of God.  Some of our failed choices are irreparable.  The carnality and selfishness of our being often encounters great loss because of a decision made.  But, God! Even as Eve faced an irreconcilable reaping because of her choice, Our Father in Heaven set forth a plan for her's and our redemption.  He would send His Son to reveal the love of Abba God for His creation:  man. Eve's story is our story, if we are honest with ourselves and God.  We are Eve.  I am Eve!  Eve becomes every women who weeps over her failures.   No doubt, our life is formed by our choices.  The "Apple" is always present to us.  If we make deliberate wrong choices, in clear rebellion against what we know is true, that is one thing.  As followers of Christ, however, ignorance and delusion will be turned around by our...

JOUEX! The rest of the story.

 "JOYEUX!" Painting watercolor on synthetic paper, otherwise known as pvc or Yupo paper, can be an intuitive challenge.  For me, I allow the colors, at first, to dictate the patterns and image, ---if there is one.  And, so, like with "Joyeux!"When I do these smaller paintings, I enter into a dialogue with the Master Creator.  I listen for His wooing.  Or, I just relax and dwell in His sweet Presence.  It is especially at these times, I sense the atmosphere of praise and worship surrounding about me. If a pattern or strong image develops, I will follow the impression.  Then, very intuitively, I splash shapes, strokes and colors randomly.  When "Joyeux!" became finished, I saw the woman in the center, joyous and delighting in the splash of color all around.  The song, "Make a joyful noise" sounded celebration in my head.  I was satisfied with the finished work. Later, I shared the image with my daughter, Rita.  She immedi...

JOYEUX! Finding its place.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the many stories that are attached to much of my work. Once in awhile I will share some of the treasures in my home that I have accumulated through the years and many travels. Most of the time, I will share my paintings and the stories that go along with them. The painting below is named "Joyeux." It is a celebration of life. However, there is an aside story that goes along with this painting. Keep in touch. I will soon tell you that story. Rita