JOUEX! The rest of the story.
Painting watercolor on synthetic paper, otherwise known as pvc or Yupo paper, can be an intuitive challenge. For me, I allow the colors, at first, to dictate the patterns and image, ---if there is one. And, so, like with "Joyeux!"When I do these smaller paintings, I enter into a dialogue with the Master Creator. I listen for His wooing. Or, I just relax and dwell in His sweet Presence. It is especially at these times, I sense the atmosphere of praise and worship surrounding about me.
If a pattern or strong image develops, I will follow the impression. Then, very intuitively, I splash shapes, strokes and colors randomly. When "Joyeux!" became finished, I saw the woman in the center, joyous and delighting in the splash of color all around. The song, "Make a joyful noise" sounded celebration in my head. I was satisfied with the finished work.
Later, I shared the image with my daughter, Rita. She immediately commented, "I can see a lion in the painting." After close inspection, I too saw the image of a lion. His face and form meshed into the image of the woman. Then, also, I recognized the strong patterns of the lion's feet. Now, they appeared obvious to me. These were only random patterns to my thinking at first when I painted earlier.
I am always amazed and surprised when imagery like this is hidden in my work; hidden even from me. My joy became full in recognizing that the Master had partnered with me in the creating of my painting. He left behind the imprimatur of His image. Reminding me that "I am always with you!"
That, my friend, is the rest of the story.
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